Colorado Hiking Trails

Colorado provides endless hiking opportunities in all types of environments, from arid plains to the highest peaks in the Rocky Mountains.

A good rule of thumb to use for calculating hiking times when starting out is “Naismith’s Rule” . Allow one hour for every 3 miles (5 km) forward, plus an additional hour for every 2,000 feet (600 m) of ascent.

The difficulty ratings of hiking Colorado on this site are based on the conditions at the time they were traveled.


30 minutes – 2 hours, elevation gain minimized.


1/2 a day or so, good trail, no technical climbing, several thousand foot elevation gain possible.


Whole day hike, usually an alpine start (before sunrise), substantial elevation gain, possibly no trail in sections or entire trip, up to class 3 climbing.


Whole day hike, usually an alpine start (before sunrise), substantial elevation gain, possibly no trail in sections or entire trip, up to class 3 climbing.

Easy Hikes

Moderate Hikes

Difficult Hikes